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All information we provide about Assisted Living Facilities and Adult Family Homes is completely free to the families we work with. If you have questions or need direction please do not hesitate to contact us. We do not sell personal information or put you on any contact list for blasting emails. All submissions are private and completely secure. We are certified and comply with all HIPAA privacy regulations.

We are excited for the easing of mask restrictions in our state but remind people that masks are still required within hospitals and long-term care facilities. Help everyone keep our vulnerable adults safe.

Please like us on Facebook and leave fabulous reviews. You can also post questions which we are happy to answer.

"From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I" Psalm 61:2

  • Senior Housing and Assisted Living Placement
  • Adult Family Homes
  • Memory Care
  • In Home Care
  • Family Consultations
  • Estate Planning
  • VA Benefits
  • Professional Referrals
  • Elder Law Attorneys
  • Estate Movers
  • and much more!

What we do

Relocation at any age can be very stressful and daunting.  Understanding the complexities of family, financials, geography and care needs, we take the burden from your shoulders and simplify the process. We specialize in placement into Long Term Care facilities such as Independent Retirement, Assisted Living, Memory Care (licensed as assisted living) and Adult Family Homes. We are also constantly reviewing other care options such as Skilled Nursing facilities and In-Home Care.We ensure only the best solutions are presented in order to meet your unique needs. These include emotional, physical and social aspects for our clients and their families. All communities are pre-toured and screened for any deficiencies to guarantee they are safe from state enforcement letters and/or violations.

Additionally, we assist by providing trusted professional resources which can help with all other aspects and needs related to aging and moving. All resources provided are pre-screened for quality. Take the risk out of research by contacting us today!

"If it's not good enough for our family, we won't recommend it to yours"

Who we are

Dedicated Care Solutions is a Christian based organization which offer resources and services completely free to seniors and their families. We put your care and family needs at the forefront of everything we do. There is no name blasting and will never sell advertising through our company or website. This allows us the ability to customize solutions according to each family’s unique needs. We do not believe in a “cookie cutter” system when it comes to health care and aging gracefully. We are extremely high touch and hands on with everything we do. All Services are 100% complimentary to the families we help. We can receive a referral fee from licensed facilities if a client elects to move into one we refer them to. This is one call you will not regret. Please see some of the comments our clients have said about us...